Friday, June 6, 2008

PUMP you up...(NOT)

A few weeks back, Ben and I joined a health club to get our just-about-40 bodies back into 20-something shape. Ben calls it the "Schwarzenegger-ization of Ben and Maura". The gym is only a 5-minute walk from Kaia's school so I have been very good about dropping Kaia off and getting to the club to "wail on my pecs*". Additionally, the club offers some very fun group classes with names like Body Combat and Body Pump. I've tried some of these classes and found I enjoyed them very much - especially the Body Combat one which employs lots of karate and Tai Chi movements for those days when you pretend you beat the hell out of an imaginary opponent .

Anyway, on Mondays the gym offers a group class called "Body Attack" which consists of 50 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. The instructor is a waif named Kerry who looks like she was born to teach these classes - you know the kind: 0% body fat, smiling the entire class and a perennial optimism even when doing pushups. So we start the class with music blaring and we are all jumping around looking like blobs while Kerry is happily showing us how she can talk normally even with her heart rate pulsating through the roof. We go through our warmup and jump into our "Are you Feeling It Yet????" sequences when about halfway through the Body Attack class we are performing high-step running. Here's the scenario: I'm high-stepping it, left, right, left, right, left and then when right foot comes down I land inappropriately on my ankle which then proceeds to betray my almost-40 body weight. I tumble down, down, down.

Oh the horror!

Needless to say, the ankle was twisted and I was unable to finish the class which is unfortunate because that isn't very Schwarzenegger-like. This is the first time I have ever fallen in a class and I'm wondering is this the classic middle-age "beginning of the end"? Let's hope not.

Ben and Kaia wrapped and iced my ankle for me that evening after I took off my shoe and realized there was a bit more swelling than I originally thought. I'm taking the rest of the week off from the gym which isn't very Schwarzenegger-like either, but is good business for the bakeries and pastry-shops in the area....

*"wail on your pecs" Reprinted without permission from Beth Somers


Beth said...

Oh no!!! Not the dreaded right ankle! I feel your pain, and hope it gets better quickly. In the meantime, try hitting the bench press. How much ya bench?

Sharon said...

Hey at least your working out! I hope your ankle is feeling better. Its hot and raining again. I have gone from wearing a winter coat to the baseball games to a tank top and shorts - only in Chicago. Miss ya:)

Colleen Howell said...

The people demand new posts!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you having QUADS flashbacks! Ugh, hope you're all healed up! (wine helps)