Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Arrogant Frog Ribet White which can be found for under $13.
In places other than Australia.


Anonymous said...

It's my first visit to Connor's Down Under and I realize that I need to ship wine to you and send an anniversary card - ah the glamorous life : ) I can just hear Kaia's cry of "Mom didn't kill me - yay!" Isn't it wonderful how she can see the glass as half full? Connor is sleeping blissfully right now... pray that it will continue another 15 minutes or so... No more snow for a bit - I think we're through the worst of it so far. Keep the info coming, sounds like quite an adventure !

Anonymous said...

Boone's Farm Fuzzy Navel ....
Getting pricey at $2.99 a bottle but allways a good value and a good buzz.+
Paper bag included in the price.